Castle of illusion

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Along with Strider and others, (later on, even more ambitious translations like Street Fighter II would grace the unwieldy black console) Castle of Illusion made the trip downhill to the Master System. At this time, Sega began releasing downsized versions of their Genesis hits for the 8-bit elder statesman. It was devoid of life, though its pulse might still have been going, ever so slightly. Their North American representative was, for all intents and purposes, brain dead. Rewind to a time shortly after Sega released their Genesis, while their Master System was still enjoying a healthy following in Europe, Brazil and other areas of the globe. With the exception of the latter, these testaments to Sega's 8-bit power were all cutesy side scrolling platforming games, and Sega took their level of expertise at making them to another level with the release of Mickey's fledgling foray into the world run by a big eared kid named Alex. It should be on your 'must have' list, along with gems like Wonderboy II and III, Alex Kidd in Miracle World, and R-Type. 'The 8-bit Castle of Illusion has to be one of the system's strongest efforts and most memorable moments. Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse (Sega Master System) review